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Have you ever wished you could have a brand-new life? Have you ever wished you could erase the past and start all over, or have another chance to do your life all over again? Have you ever wished you could erase every wrong, every mistake, and every bad choice you've ever made? Have you ever wished the despair and loneliness in your life could just go away, and that you could find true and lasting peace? Have you ever wished you could be free from habitual behaviors and addictions that dominate your life? Have you ever wished you could find a reason and purpose for living? Have you ever wished you could truly know what life's all about? Have you ever wished you could know what's going to happen to you when you die?



YOU CAN have a brand-new life!

All the wrongs and mistakes (sins) you've ever committed can be forgiven and erased from your life forever, and you can have another chance for a meaningful life. You can be free from the past and have a sure hope for the future. And yes, you can know if you’re going to heaven when you die! (Psalms 103:12) (Colossians 2:13) (Hebrews 8:12)



How can you have this brand-new life?

Out of all the religions and gods professed in this world, the Holy Bible proclaims Jesus Christ as the only One who can forgive your sins and give you a brand-new life! He is the only One who can forgive your sins, because He's the only One that took your sins upon Himself when He was executed on a Roman cross, and He's the only One that took your sins with Him to the grave, and out of all the religions and gods of this world, He’s the only One who defeated death and sin, by rising from the grave and leaving your sin in the grave forever. He took your place on the cross, and gave His life for you, so you could be forgiven and have a brand-new life now and forever. The Holy Bible says you can receive this brand-new life by committing your life to Jesus by faith, confessing your sin, and by asking and accepting His forgiveness. This cannot be earned by good deeds or religious efforts, but may only be receive by faith. Simply, faith is trusting in something you can't see or understand, and believing what the world deems irrational and unbelievable. The Holy Bible says God gives you the faith to believe, and with that faith you will be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life. Your part is to believe it and receive it, by the faith He gives you, and when you do, God will change your life forever! When you do this, God and Jesus will live inside you through the Holy Spirit, who will help you grow as a true Christian and overcome all the negative things in your life. When this happens you are "saved" from eternal judgment and wrath in Hell, and given eternal life in heaven. God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit are considered to be One God, and they are sometimes referred to interchangeably in the Bible. Don't be confused by this, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit work together to give you a brand-new life and give you the things you need to live as a true Christian. This doesn’t mean you’ll never have troubles. Everyone will have troubles as long as they're in this world, but Jesus will give you peace and life even if you're surrounded by troubles. (Romans 5:6-9) (Ephesians 2:8-9) (John 16:33)



The choice is yours

God has provided the way for you to receive forgiveness and eternal life through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus. It's offered to you as a gift, because there's nothing you can ever do to be good enough to earn it. However, it’s not without cost, you must chose to believe and trust Jesus as Lord of your life. The Bible says anyone who does not believed in Jesus is already condemned to eternal wrath. The Bible is very clear that God is a God of peace to those who receive Him and His Son Jesus, but a God of wrath to those who reject Him and His Son. To not receive Him, is to reject Him! God loved you so much, that He gave His only Son for you, so you could have a brand-new life! (John 3:16-19)



Here's how to receive your brand-new life

First of all, receiving a brand-new life is simple. Receiving Jesus as Lord of your life is a matter of the heart. It's not about saying the right words, or having some kind of magical experience. It's simply confessing your sin, asking forgiveness, and committing your life to Him. When you do this from your heart, taking Him at His word, and trusting Him to do what He said He would do, by faith He will indwell your life by His Holy Spirit. Because of His faithfulness He will change your life and give you the power to overcome the sins in your life. By faith, you will be born all over again, born of His Spirit, and you'll have a brand-new life! (Romans 3:23) (Romans 3:23) (1John 1:9) (Romans 10:13)



After you receive your band-new life

The following things are vital for your growth as a true Christian. Communicate with God and Jesus by reading The Holy Bible and talking to Him in prayer. Start by reading Luke and Acts. This will give you a jump start in understanding Jesus of The Holy Bible. Find and become involved in a Holy Bible believing Church, a church that believes The Holy Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. If they don't believe that, you need to keep looking for a church that does. Profess your faith to the church or pastor and let them know you need to be baptized. Baptism is a command of Jesus and an act of obedience to Him. It symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus that has taken place in your life. Buried with Him when you're lowered into the water, and raised with Him when you're lifted out of the water. The Holy Bible believing Minister will help you to understand this step in your brand-new life. (2Timothy 3:16) (Romans 6:4) (1Peter 3:21)


My story is a story of desperation, hope, and second chances. It's the story of a man's utter failure, and it's the story of the love and grace of God. After becoming a Christian at an early age, I lost my way, and made some unfortunate choices that led to devastating consequences in my life. Struggling with discouragement, I became captivated by the obsessive desires of the carnal human nature, while at the same time developing an erroneous religious facade that ultimately led me into self-righteousness, self-condemnation, and self-destruction. I existed for many years in discouragement, depression, and despair. In my pain and despair, I became so deceived, thinking I was the only one that really knew the will of God, and yet I was oppressed, defeated, and enslaved by obsessive and unrighteous thinking and desires. In my self-righteousness, I despised the grace of God, for which cause, God took me on an excruciating journey through the depths of despair, to show me the magnitude of His mighty love and grace. God supernaturally intervened in my life three times. The first, to give me a reason for living when I couldn't bear to live any longer. The second, to teach me the "fear of the Lord" and complete dependence on Him, by taking me through a year of relentless oppression that took me on the psychological "ride of my life" to the very brink of literal insanity. The third, to show me the boundless depths of His mercy and grace, breaking my heart through a very strange event, showing me how much He could love and forgive a repeating failure like me. I know the pain of hurting and loosing those dearest to me, I know unimaginable loneliness, inconceivable fear, relentless psychological and emotional agony, desperation, and hopelessness. When I thought I was beyond hope, and unworthy of help, that's when God showed me what His infinite love and unmerited favor (grace) was all about. I will always fail and fall short, but the Holy Bible, its Author, and its message will never fail. That's why my faith must always rest in the message of the Holy Bible, and never in my own understanding, or in popular opinion. Psalm 27:1 says, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, … The Lord is the strength of my life…” In Him I have a brand-new life!

2 Corinthians 5:17 Anyone who is in Jesus Christ has received a brand new life, the old life is gone and a new life has begun. (paraphrased)

John 3:16 God loved the world so much, He gave His only Son, Jesus to pay our sin debt, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish in eternal hell, but will instead receive eternal life in heaven. (paraphrased)

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